Credit Card debt and other forms of debt have been plaguing many Americans for years. The problem of excessive consumer debt has continued to grow without any foreseen end in sight. Is it possible to pay down debt, save money, and invest at the same time? Yes, in certain circumstances it is. Let see what […]
Posts Categorized: General Debt & Loan Consolidation Information
Fed Cuts Rates to Boost Economy
The Fed announced today that it is cutting key interest rates by half-percentage point in an effort to save the softening U.S. economy. The reserve bank took interest rates down by 75 basis points in an unheard of step during an inter-meeting on January 22. The central bank thus far, has cut its federal funds […]
Top Ten Ways to Improve Your Credit Rating
The American consumer has become overly dependent on easy credit. Credit cards afford many a prolifigate lifestyle that is not reflective of the ground realities. The American nation has truly become a credit card nation, where consumers pursue spendthrift policies not reflective of their true financial realities. Currently, in Davos, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum […]
Top Ten Tips to Improve your Credit Score
How many times have you looked at your credit report? Do you know your credit score? The information contained in your credit report is the only thing that directly affects your credit score. In return, your credit score impacts your ability to obtain credit and approval for loans. The score also affects the interest rates […]
Debt Consolidation and Debt Settlement, Great Mechanisms to Control Debt
Do you have the resources to take on your creditors? Do you have the time to take on the credit card companies? Most consumers are either too busy or dont have the know-how on how to take on the creditors. Taking care of credit debt and debt consolidation with loan lenders is a rigorous debt […]
Climbing Out Of Debt With The Help Of Credit Counseling
Consumers living paycheck to paycheck are the first to admit that falling into credit debt is no laughing matter: Merciless collectors hounding them, a tarnished payment history haunting them, and the specter of bankruptcy looming before them. Economically-stranded consumers oftentimes lack the wherewithal and tools needed to create a workable budget and manage their credit […]
Repair Your Credit Report: The Critical Information
Credit reports play a pivotal role in a credit card company’s evaluation of whether an applicant poses a positive or negative credit risk. Lenders extract from them personal data concerning prospective borrowers, as well as their income, debts and credit payment history. A credit report provides a profile of the cardholders’ financial life, and creditors […]
11 Ways to Repair Your Credit Score
Out of the blue, poor credit often sneaks up on consumers and strikes them like a bolt of lightning where it hurts most- in their pocketbook. The triggers for bad credit reports are diverse, ranging from unemployment, illness, and divorce to an insolvent business and irresponsible spending. A negative credit rating adversely impacts consumers across […]
Improve Your Credit Rating – Effective Ways to Repair your Credit History
Tarnished or damaged credit is a financially and emotionally-taxing event in the lives of consumers, and it mars their payment history. Constituting 35% of the credit rating, payment history is the leading factor in the calculation of a borrower’s credit score. Therefore, it becomes imperative for debtors with a blemished credit history to find a […]
What Credit History Repair Means for You
Credit cards can be either a blessing or a curse, depending on whether or not they are utilized judiciously. Although plastic money has facilitated our lives, the reality remains that in the past two decades, more and more Americans have slipped into the black hole of credit card debt. Paying down debt can be quite […]