Posts By: Rana

Various Forms of Tax Incentives

Posted by Rana & filed under Tax & Bankruptcy Law Information.

An increase in tax incentives can mean an increase in the ability to promote charitable giving, education, and aid in the economy. Through means of tax exemptions, tax deductions, and tax incentive checks, the average taxpayer can provide education to a family member, funds for personal retirement, or a way to buy a television set […]

Credit Card Trends: Popular Credit Cards in Today’s Market

Posted by Rana & filed under Credit Card Debt Consolidation Information.

Over the last decade, credit cards have significantly risen in popularity among the masses. Although they were once exclusive to affluent and powerful members of society, today credit cards are made accessible to just about everyone who wants one. Several types of credit card offers are delivered through the mail to millions of households across […]

The Ripple Effect of Consumer Credit

Posted by Rana & filed under General Debt & Loan Consolidation Information.

From credit cards and auto loans to residential mortgages, home equity loans, and personal lines of credit, consumer credit facilitates the daily lives of millions of Americans by providing convenience and fiscal flexibility. This indispensable and valuable monetary tool offers numerous benefits including the following: Ability to satisfy basic consumer needs Ease of use Opportunity […]

Tips on Keeping Credit Card Fraud at Bay

Posted by Rana & filed under Credit Card Debt Consolidation Information.

With the advent of online banking and shopping, the ubiquity of credit card transactions has become ever so apparent. As a corollary to the application of this newer web-based technology, cases involving credit card fraud have increased substantially, with issuers and cardholders suffering hundreds of millions of dollars in losses annually. While credit card fraud […]

Three Main Types of Tax Exempt Savings Plans

Posted by Rana & filed under Tax & Bankruptcy Law Information.

Tax exempt savings are important to many taxpayers. By finding a way to save additional tax free—and often matched—income, you are able to save money and prepare for the future. Through health savings accounts, the 529 savings plan, and retirement plans, you can invest a portion of your income to prepare for medical expenses, college […]

What is a Good Credit Score?

Posted by Rana & filed under General Debt & Loan Consolidation Information.

Individuals who are in the market to buy a new home, car or any other type of major purchase need to know what their credit score is prior to applying for the financing. This is because credit scores play a key role in determining the type of loans and interest rates borrowers are eligible to […]

Credit Reporting Agencies: Serving both Lenders and Their Prospects

Posted by Rana & filed under General Debt & Loan Consolidation Information.

To determine whether a credit applicant is a good or bad credit risk, lenders rely on the data produced by credit reporting agencies, alternatively referred to as credit bureaus. These boast voluminous databases of consumer credit records on millions of Americans and offer lending institutions an in-depth look at a prospective borrower’s credit history. The […]

Overcome Credit Card Debt With These 8 Simple Steps

Posted by Rana & filed under Credit Card Debt Consolidation Information.

One of the most difficult obstacles to financial success is having solid financial structure. Americans have to manage various financial fronts such as, student loans, credit card debt, outstanding loans, and other personal finances. By maintaining strict financial discipline and strong personal financial management techniques, you can start on your path to financial independence. Here […]

The Importance of Having an Accurate Credit Report

Posted by Rana & filed under General Debt & Loan Consolidation Information.

Credit report and credit history are some of the most important facets of your credit. Americans by law can access their credit report annually for free. It is easy and simple to obtain and crucial to your financial success. Any inaccurate information on your credit report can create issues with prospective employment, credit cards, qualifying […]